Sunday, July 10, 2011

WayToGo, Stater Brothers

Finding like-minded retailers is like pulling teeth: difficult,  messy, and expensive

A note just submitted to an industry trade magazine/website:

"In a similar move to boost its credibility with more socially aware consumers, Stater Bros. was the local 90808 grocer to respond MOST favorably when asked, a few years ago, to remove from its shelves the Sports Illustrated magazine "sporting" fully topless models on its cover. The worst reception given to concerned parents that year was Vons. As for this writer, the experience led to a permanent change in super market loyalties, i.e., transferred weekly shopping trips to Ralph's/Stater Bros. (a mere $50/year at Vons/Pavs now, excluding gas), going out of my way to reach Staters, the farthest from my home out of seven neighborhood grocery stores. Way to go, Stater Bros. Thank you."

The Stater manager I spoke with didn't just offer to sell the pile of offensive magazines from a spot hidden under his service desk, like Mr. Ralph's did, or look at me like I was a lunatic and refuse to even answer me, like Mr. Von's did. Oh, no-o-o-o-o. "Mr. Stater" told me he'd send the entire shipment BACK to the publisher.  I checked later that week, and it certainly seemed to have disappeared.

That's service with a smile. Mine was ear to ear.

(If only they'd continue the practice with ongoing covers of ill repute: Men's Health, Maxim, Cosmo, et. al...)

PS: I've written to Von's Corporate HQ quite a few times requesting a stance. Still no reply.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Hello, JULY Prophet

(Today's intelligent reading)

James Madison, before becoming the Father of the U.S. Constitution, had a hand in prepping Virginia's official state documents. They were 'preparing for rain*' as they toiled and prayed for separation from Great Britain.  He submitted this in his role as a VA State Delegate:

"Amendment(s) to the Virginia Declaration of Rights
18. That religion, or the duty which we owe to our CREATOR, and the manner of discharging it, can be directed only by reason and conviction, not by force or violence; and therefore, that all men are equally to enjoy the free exercise of religion, according to the dictates of conscience, unpunished and unrestrained by the magistrate, Unless the preservation of equal liberty and the existence of the State are manifestly endangered; And that it is the mutual duty of all to practice Christian forbearance, love, and charity towards each other.
May 29-June 11, 1776" **

So it seems clear that the later penned U.S. Constitution's first amendment was not intended by the "framers" to keep religion out of government. It was penned that government be kept out of religion.

Further, as Madison's Christian forbearance prescribed, women wearing the hijab may be amenable to our religious freedoms, but sharia law most certainly would not be.  Judicial rule, if our judges be of an intelligent and honest stripe, must concur that Islam is antithetical to "the existence of the State and the preservation of equal liberty." 

Our founders were not just a Christian people, intending a Christian republic for a Christ-centric future. They were students of world history (to a degree that would stun our typical doctorates), and they knew what tales Islam inspired across the Chronicles of the world's great nations.

I would do well to study again the histories of North Africa, Spain, Portugal, Indonesia...

Happy Fourth of July.

(Christ's Church has lost her salt. I share the fault)

* B. Kendrick, Facing the Giants    **James Madison - Writings, Library of America, 1999, Jack N. Rakove, ed.